Robert Jackson in a speech for the prosecution on the Nuremberg process has declared: «If you tell that these people are innocent, it all the same what to tell that there was no war, isn't present killed, there was no crime». Lessons of the International military court which has condemned a Hitlerite mode in war crimes, crimes against the world, humanity, render a great influence and on modern history.
The Nuremberg process has begun at ten o'clock on November, 20th, 1945, and has terminated in announcement of last sentence on October, 1st, 1946. To court the higher state and military figures of fascist Germany have been betrayed. Against the world and humanity (murder of prisoners of war and cruel treatment of them, murder of civilians and cruel treatment of it, plunder public and a private property, an establishment of system of a slave labor, etc.), accusation in drawing up and realization of plot has been brought with fulfillment тягчайших war crimes to all of them. All defendants, except Mine, Friche and Papena, have been recognized by guilty of the shown charges and are sentenced:
To the death penalty through hanging (Goering, Ribbentrop, Kejtel, Kaltenbrunner, Rosenberg, Frank, the Freak, Shtrajher, Zaukel, Zejss-Inkvart, Borman and the Yodel);
To lifelong term (Gess, Funka and Reder);
By 20 years of imprisonment (Shirah and Shpeer, have served time punishments, are released in 1966);
By 15 years of imprisonment (Nejrat, is released in 1953 conditionally-ahead of schedule in view of poor health);
By 10 years of imprisonment (Dennits, has left completely).
The bill of particulars which has laid down in a process basis, causes to this day set of disagreements and different interpretations. Despite a large quantity of witnesses both the process, and all adjacent procedures with it, authentically to establish the facts which of the bill of particulars have been withdrawn, it is impossible. In particular, it is considered the most interesting an exception of charge of refusal of the German party in political interest concerning Bessarabia. According to the sources, the specified refusal could provoke the a little actually occurred events, which образовывают structure of responsible crimes. However, in our opinion, the evidentiary base of refusal is based exclusively on the unique document – the Nonaggression pact between Germany and Soviet Union. Article 4 of the specified document says:« Any of Contracting parties won't participate in any grouping of powers which is expressly or by implication directed against other party ». Thus, the fact of interest or refusal of interest subjects to serious doubt the given article.
Meanwhile it is authentically known that the Nonaggression pact signed 8/23/1934 between Germany and the USSR has been published in the newspaper of "News" of 9/24/1939 not in full. Keeping in the strict secret during the Nuremberg process the additional report to the Nonaggression pact in item 3 says: «Concerning the southeast of Europe from the Soviet party interest of the USSR to Bessarabia is underlined. From the German party it is declared its full political disinterest in these areas». As well as the Nonaggression pact, the report have been signed by Molotovym from the USSR and Ribbentropom from Germany.
One more Soviet-German contract (from 9/28/1939) has been made in two parts: to the public, all interested persons presented later and officially published, and confidential which consists of three independent documents signed in one day with the contract:
The confidential report;
The confidential additional report on amendments to the report from 23.08.1939;
The confidential additional report on a non-admission of the Polish propaganda.
The essence of is confidential-confidential reports is reduced to the following:
1. Between Germany and the USSR was established migratory каминаут (that is unobstructed resettlement to Germany from the USSR and on the contrary).
2. Bilateral refusal in the admission of the Polish propaganda on territories of Germany and the USSR was established: «Both Parties won't suppose any Polish propaganda mentioning territory of other party in the territories. They will suppress all sources of similar propaganda in the territories and to inform each other on the measures undertaken with that end in view». But the international documents covered mutual disagreements to lull vigilance of the opponent. Two years later Germany will publish the Instruction № 21 («the Plan Barbarossa») in which preamble will specify: «the German armed forces should be ready to break the Soviet Russia during short-term campaign still before war against England» will be finished. And slogans will be published in the USSR like:« Brothers and sisters, Muscovites! Know – you not one. All Soviet people with you. It with great anger has risen on protection of the Native land, the happiness, the honor. It, its nice heroic Red Army will smash a head to a nasty fascist reptile "("Truth» from 10/26/1941).
Surprises approach level to concept "confidentially", not allowed to publish in litigation manufacture a shadow part of agreements between the countries in which real intentions and real relations were specified. These additional reports directly contradicted the basic contracts and agreements, were closed and represent the greatest interest with a view of studying of true motives of an unbinding of the Second World War. Now, having got access to "confidential" and "confidential" materials, it is possible to draw a conclusion: the military court of Nuremberg had huge value. As a result of process of about a year the true has been established, guilty – are punished. Having taken out a verdict of guilty to the main nazi criminals, the tribunal recognized aggression тягчайшим as a crime of the international character. The Nuremberg process sometimes name history Court as it has made essential impact on definitive defeat of nazism, its recognition especially grave crime and has brought it in the field of international criminally-legal relations. For today as participants of the International criminal court Germany has signed and ratified the Roman statute of 1998, and Russia, правопреемница the USSR, has signed, but didn't ratify. Accordingly, jurisdiction of the given court concerning Russians and the crimes made in territory of Russia, – special, from a country permission.
Undoubtedly, value of the International criminal court highly. The history problem unique – not to admit repetition of errors, not to get again to a situation when crime event is available when in the statistical data catastrophic figures – 55 million the victims who have suffered are specified, missing persons, 11 million the Jews sentenced to death, – and proofs is insignificant a little. Only joint efforts, authority of the governments of all countries it is possible to establish the truth close to true as it has been made in the Nuremberg process.
The Nuremberg process has begun at ten o'clock on November, 20th, 1945, and has terminated in announcement of last sentence on October, 1st, 1946. To court the higher state and military figures of fascist Germany have been betrayed. Against the world and humanity (murder of prisoners of war and cruel treatment of them, murder of civilians and cruel treatment of it, plunder public and a private property, an establishment of system of a slave labor, etc.), accusation in drawing up and realization of plot has been brought with fulfillment тягчайших war crimes to all of them. All defendants, except Mine, Friche and Papena, have been recognized by guilty of the shown charges and are sentenced:
To the death penalty through hanging (Goering, Ribbentrop, Kejtel, Kaltenbrunner, Rosenberg, Frank, the Freak, Shtrajher, Zaukel, Zejss-Inkvart, Borman and the Yodel);
To lifelong term (Gess, Funka and Reder);
By 20 years of imprisonment (Shirah and Shpeer, have served time punishments, are released in 1966);
By 15 years of imprisonment (Nejrat, is released in 1953 conditionally-ahead of schedule in view of poor health);
By 10 years of imprisonment (Dennits, has left completely).
The bill of particulars which has laid down in a process basis, causes to this day set of disagreements and different interpretations. Despite a large quantity of witnesses both the process, and all adjacent procedures with it, authentically to establish the facts which of the bill of particulars have been withdrawn, it is impossible. In particular, it is considered the most interesting an exception of charge of refusal of the German party in political interest concerning Bessarabia. According to the sources, the specified refusal could provoke the a little actually occurred events, which образовывают structure of responsible crimes. However, in our opinion, the evidentiary base of refusal is based exclusively on the unique document – the Nonaggression pact between Germany and Soviet Union. Article 4 of the specified document says:« Any of Contracting parties won't participate in any grouping of powers which is expressly or by implication directed against other party ». Thus, the fact of interest or refusal of interest subjects to serious doubt the given article.
Meanwhile it is authentically known that the Nonaggression pact signed 8/23/1934 between Germany and the USSR has been published in the newspaper of "News" of 9/24/1939 not in full. Keeping in the strict secret during the Nuremberg process the additional report to the Nonaggression pact in item 3 says: «Concerning the southeast of Europe from the Soviet party interest of the USSR to Bessarabia is underlined. From the German party it is declared its full political disinterest in these areas». As well as the Nonaggression pact, the report have been signed by Molotovym from the USSR and Ribbentropom from Germany.
One more Soviet-German contract (from 9/28/1939) has been made in two parts: to the public, all interested persons presented later and officially published, and confidential which consists of three independent documents signed in one day with the contract:
The confidential report;
The confidential additional report on amendments to the report from 23.08.1939;
The confidential additional report on a non-admission of the Polish propaganda.
The essence of is confidential-confidential reports is reduced to the following:
1. Between Germany and the USSR was established migratory каминаут (that is unobstructed resettlement to Germany from the USSR and on the contrary).
2. Bilateral refusal in the admission of the Polish propaganda on territories of Germany and the USSR was established: «Both Parties won't suppose any Polish propaganda mentioning territory of other party in the territories. They will suppress all sources of similar propaganda in the territories and to inform each other on the measures undertaken with that end in view». But the international documents covered mutual disagreements to lull vigilance of the opponent. Two years later Germany will publish the Instruction № 21 («the Plan Barbarossa») in which preamble will specify: «the German armed forces should be ready to break the Soviet Russia during short-term campaign still before war against England» will be finished. And slogans will be published in the USSR like:« Brothers and sisters, Muscovites! Know – you not one. All Soviet people with you. It with great anger has risen on protection of the Native land, the happiness, the honor. It, its nice heroic Red Army will smash a head to a nasty fascist reptile "("Truth» from 10/26/1941).
Surprises approach level to concept "confidentially", not allowed to publish in litigation manufacture a shadow part of agreements between the countries in which real intentions and real relations were specified. These additional reports directly contradicted the basic contracts and agreements, were closed and represent the greatest interest with a view of studying of true motives of an unbinding of the Second World War. Now, having got access to "confidential" and "confidential" materials, it is possible to draw a conclusion: the military court of Nuremberg had huge value. As a result of process of about a year the true has been established, guilty – are punished. Having taken out a verdict of guilty to the main nazi criminals, the tribunal recognized aggression тягчайшим as a crime of the international character. The Nuremberg process sometimes name history Court as it has made essential impact on definitive defeat of nazism, its recognition especially grave crime and has brought it in the field of international criminally-legal relations. For today as participants of the International criminal court Germany has signed and ratified the Roman statute of 1998, and Russia, правопреемница the USSR, has signed, but didn't ratify. Accordingly, jurisdiction of the given court concerning Russians and the crimes made in territory of Russia, – special, from a country permission.
Undoubtedly, value of the International criminal court highly. The history problem unique – not to admit repetition of errors, not to get again to a situation when crime event is available when in the statistical data catastrophic figures – 55 million the victims who have suffered are specified, missing persons, 11 million the Jews sentenced to death, – and proofs is insignificant a little. Only joint efforts, authority of the governments of all countries it is possible to establish the truth close to true as it has been made in the Nuremberg process.
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