Thursday, October 13, 2011

The dress-code raises overall performance

As it is known, rules happen two kinds – what need to be carried out, and what need to be carried out actually. And so dress-code rules in legal firms are those rules which need to be carried out actually. Dress-code observance disciplines, raises a sense of responsibility and creates a spirit for effective work.

From history of the code of clothes

For work in legal firm conservative and traditional appearance which causes trust of clients is required and speaks about imposing appearance and competence of the employee.

The dress-code (English dress code – the clothes code) in business is a part of corporate culture of the firm, reflecting certain requirements to appearance of heads and employees according to the accepted ideology of activity and management style in the company.

The word combination "dress-code" has arisen in XIV century in England and already therefrom has extended in other countries. In the beginning of a XVIII-th century Peter I actually enters the European dress-code for the upper class of the Russian society. Gradually the dress-code turns to the whole philosophy intended for identification of an accessory to various social groups.

In the XX-th century the certain code of behavior of employees have accepted in many large European and American firms, sometimes taking for a basis corporate rules and regulations of the Asian companies. From the middle of 90th years of the XX-th century dress-code observance as component of corporate culture and accordingly a firm brand became actual and for the Russian business and first of all – for employees of banks, the legal, insurance and oil companies.

The corporate culture accepted at the central offices of the companies in Europe and the USA to be transferred without changes began often on the Russian branches and affiliated firms. «Office workers of Soviet period» well remember rigid disciplinary rules of that period. Now on change by it new rules – corporate have come. The majority of representations of international firms in Russia live under those corporate laws which operate at head offices, including a dress-code of employees. The Russian companies often borrow this corporate culture, without troubling itself its adaptation. What for to build the corporate culture if it is possible to use model another's created and worked to trifles.

So, what represents the clothes code in modern corporate culture of legal firms? In the majority of firms the severity of a dress-code depends on the head. In some companies of the requirement to clothes happen very rigid: all registers – a hairdress, a percentage parity of a material in suit fabrics, color of a jacket and a shirt, height of heels and socks, density of stockings and stockings. Somewhere rules have recommendatory character, and definitively corporate style of new employees is formed how heads and more skilled colleagues observe a dress-code.

As a whole in the Russian legal companies the arch facilitated in comparison with international firms is applied corrected, concerning clothes. But there are also features. Today the relation to a business fashion in Europe and in Russia a miscellaneous. In spoiled by brands and designers to Europe have already learned to appreciate quality and count money. And in Russia the more expensively the designer, the its clothes are more claimed. If in the West the dress-code is a relation to restrictions which demands the business world, in Russia it often subject for imitation, a way of occurrence in the closed society, attempt to ego-trip.

Dress-code in company CMS

The rules regulating appearance of employees, are stated in the separate document or join in Regulations. At the Moscow office CMS, one of the leading European legal firms, working in Russia with 1992г., requirements to a dress-code of employees are stated in one of articles of Regulations. According to these requirements from Monday till Thursday the official style in clothes which answers standards of representation and expectations of clients if other hasn't been in advance stipulated is necessary. On Friday style business casual is supposed.

At any time the clothes should be tidy and correspond to professional standards of representation. Standards are established as the basic management and religions of culture of each separate worker should be observed taking into account beliefs. Women should wear dresses or the combined toilet. Trousers can be standard length, skirts and dresses are admissible, except for miniskirts. Shirts, blouses, knitted top, elegant tops, and also shoes, boots, barefoot persons are supposed.

Men should carry a business jacket and a tie. On work following kinds of clothes are inadmissible: shorts, sports jackets, T-shirts, training trousers, bedroom-slippers, jeans clothes of any coloring, military trousers, headdresses (except for headdresses as religious attributes), subjects of clothes with inscriptions and large logos (the clothes from manufacturers with imperceptible logos are admissible), strongly shabby or decayed clothes, clothes with cuts or holes, and also the clothes opening a stomach and a back, with a fringe and tops on shoulder-straps. Ornaments shouldn't be causing, visible piercing isn't supposed, except for ear rings in ears. A single puncture in a nose we will admit, if it is caused by cultural or religious reasons. A hair color – within the limits of natural scale.

Experience of other Russian firms

Standard corporate rules of clothes for many other firms in Russia look as follows:

– To men – a suit and a tie. Color of a suit – dark blue, black and all shades gray. The shirt on some tones is more light a jacket. Large and causing drawings aren't supposed. A tie – monophonic or with a small pattern. The belt of trousers should be picked up in tone of footwear. Footwear – only leather shoes. From ornaments – only a wedding ring.

– To women – a business suit (a jacket or a jacket and trousers or a skirt). Color of a suit – dark blue, brown and all shades gray. The blouse without drawing on some tones is more light a jacket or a jacket. Deeply low-necked dresses aren't supposed. Footwear – only leather shoes with the closed heel. Stockings or stockings in density not less than 40 DEN are obligatory. Сеточка it is not supposed. A make-up easy, nails should be well-groomed. Total absence of a make-up and manicure isn't welcomed. Is simultaneously admissible to carry no more than three medium-sized ornaments.

Experience of other Russian firms

Standard corporate rules of clothes for many other firms in Russia look as follows:

– To men – a suit and a tie. Color of a suit – dark blue, black and all shades gray. The shirt on some tones is more light a jacket. Large and causing drawings aren't supposed. A tie – monophonic or with a small pattern. The belt of trousers should be picked up in tone of footwear. Footwear – only leather shoes. From ornaments – only a wedding ring.

– To women – a business suit (a jacket or a jacket and trousers or a skirt). Color of a suit – dark blue, brown and all shades gray. The blouse without drawing on some tones is more light a jacket or a jacket. Deeply low-necked dresses aren't supposed. Footwear – only leather shoes with the closed heel. Stockings or stockings in density not less than 40 DEN are obligatory. Сеточка it is not supposed. A make-up easy, nails should be well-groomed. Total absence of a make-up and manicure isn't welcomed. Is simultaneously admissible to carry no more than three medium-sized ornaments.

In the country of foggy Albion

As ancestors of a dress-code Englishmen consider, the trust of clients to firm directly depends on how its employees are dressed. The very first impression about the person develops practically at once at a sight at its appearance, and this impression then it is very difficult to change. The client within a minute solves, whether it is necessary to it to waste time both forces on dialogue and the subsequent cooperation. Thus how you have presented yourselves, outweighs that you speak. All is estimated – a clothes, personal care and a behavior manner. In an ideal harmony of an image is reached by a combination of observance of a dress-code, individual style and following to a fashion. So the succeeding lawyer should look, but for this purpose it is necessary to follow certain rules.

– Men: a business suit, a jacket with шлицей, two or three buttons from free wool, as a last resort no more than 20 % of synthetics. The fabric should be smooth, the vertical color thread is possible and strips on tone are more light primary color. A shirt with a long sleeve and a turn-down collar, 100 % a clap. Color of a shirt – it is pale or light blue, pink, white, the one-color strip is possible. Daily change of shirts. Ties of quiet colors, are more dark than a shirt. Long socks in color of footwear, a suit, without drawing. Black leather shoes with the closed lacing («оксфорды»), an open lacing ("Derby") and with an open lacing and punching («броги»). A short hairstyle. The shaved face skin. Accurately cut moustaches or a beard.

– Women: a business suit with trousers or a skirt to a knee. Color of a suit the constrained. Blouses of pastel tones (beige, cream, an ivory). Thin jumpers, knitted tops under a jacket. A belt in color of footwear. Footwear – closed, on a low heel. Manicure of quiet colors. Spirits of unsharp aromas. It is not welcomed both total absence of a make-up, and its excessiveness.

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